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Product information "Drain tap CLASSIC mulled wine pot boiling-in machine"

CLASSIC drain tap with lock nut and sealing rings for Hendi mulled wine pot and others

    • Total length approx. 80mm
    • Total height with tap closed approx. 115mm (handle position at the top)
    • Thread diameter: 14mm
    • Thread length: 11mm
    • Inlet opening inside: 9mm (at the back of the tap)
    • Outlet opening inside 10mm (at the bottom of the tap)
    • Wrench size nut: 19mm

The drain tap can be disassembled for cleaning.

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Information on the manufacturer (information obligations under the GPSR Product Safety Regulation)
Gastro Brennecke GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hafen 3
16269 Wriezen, Deutschland

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