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Kaufen Sie bei uns Ihre Hopfendolden frisch in guter Qualität. Vakuum verpackt immer frisch!
Die Hopfendolden können im Hopfenkochsack gekocht werden.
Der angegebene Alphawert besagt wie bitter der Hopfen ist. Umso höher diese Zahl um so höher auch die Bitterkeit des Hopfens.
50 %
Raw hops Goldings 3.6% alpha 100g
Raw hops Goldings 100 grams of hops for brewing the finest beers. Alpha value 3.6% This hop has a very fine aroma and is rightly called the king of English hops. There is no better hop for an original IPA or a traditional English bitter. Often used for re-hopping, but with its higher alpha acid content it can also be used as a bittering hop. Verf
€4.00* €8.00*
33.67 %
Hops Raw hops Northern Brewer 8.5% alpha 200g
Raw hops Northern Brewer 200 grams of hops for brewing the finest beers. Alpha value 8.5% Universal hops, mainly used as bittering hops. Often used in dark beers, but also in Altbier and Kölsch. The hop cones are naturally slightly browner than those of other varieties. One of the main varieties from the Hallertau region, where this hop develops an excellent aroma in the sunny climate. All our hops are stored in a cold room for optimum shelf life on arrival and packaged in special vacuum packaging.
€6.50* €9.80*
44.44 %
Raw hops Goldings 3.6% alpha 50g
Raw hops Goldings 50 grams of hops for brewing the finest beers. Alpha value 3.6% This hop has a very fine aroma and is rightly called the king of English hops. There is no better hop for an original IPA or a traditional English bitter. Often used for re-hopping, but with its higher alpha acid content it can also be used as a bittering hop. Verf
€2.50* €4.50*